Box Fill Calculation

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Are there any exceptions in the Code that allows you to deviate from Tables 314.16(A) and (B) based on voltage level? The scenario I have been told about is 11-#12's all spliced in a 17 in^3 box which violates both A and B. My calculation indicates this needs to have a box sized for 11 x 2.25 = 24.75 in^3 regardless of the voltage. One wants to argue this is not the case when using at 24 or 48V. I disagree as I dont see any exceptions for this.

thanks for any feedback.
That would be an Article 725 installation. The code is poorly worded, but you can make the arguement that the box fill rule in Article 314 does not apply.
725.3 Other Articles. Circuits and equipment shall comply with the articles or sections listed in 725.3(A) through(J). Only those sections of Article 300 referenced in this article shall apply to Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 circuits.
The part of the rule that I have shown in bold strongly implies that only the code sections shown in 725.3(A) through (J) apply to Article 725 installations. I really don't think that is the intent, but it is what the words say to me.
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