Box fill Calculations with Photo cell without yoke


Rancho Cordova
Educator/ electrical contractor/ 💡 electrician
Does the body of the photocell that mounts on the cover of a device box count as a device in the box fill calcs? What if it doesn't have a yoke or strap and is mounted by a nippled end?

bty.. didn't notice the auto-correct mistake in the title*Yoke*
Does the body of the photocell that mounts on the cover of a device box count as a device in the box fill calcs? What if it doesn't have a yoke or strap and is mounted by a nippled end?

bty.. didn't notice the auto-correct mistake in the title*Yoke*

The NEC doesn't appear to address this however,
I would just count it as 2--the same way you would for a regular device.
2023 NEC
What is the cubic inch volume of your device box? Use T.314.16(A) Metal Boxes

Is it metal? Needs an EGC connected to the metallic cover: 314.25 (A) and 314.100 (D)

Use T.314.16 (B) and select your wire size based on cubic inch capacity. Assume 12 AWG.

If 12 AWG conductors connect to the photo cell then a double volume ( CI ) )allowance shall be made based on the size of the supply conductors.
Which doubles the CI of the 12 AWG wires. 314.16(B) (4) Device or Equipment Fill

The OP said it is likely that there is no yoke and I agree.

But, to determine a size of device box I would use 12 AWG at 2.25 CI x 2 = 4.50 CI would be a minimum size device box with a metallic cover.
Maybe an FS box as listed in the table. If it's exposed to the elements. Certainly a larger box.

A 3 x 2 x 1.5 device box at 7.5 CI with spare 3 CI available.
Table 314.16(A) and T.314.16 (B) (1)

Thanks for reading.
Comments accepted.