Box fill larger cables

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Industrial Maintenance Electrician
Industrial process repair/ maintenance Electrician
I have a situation where I need to splice Ser 4 total wires per cable - #4 copper to #2 aluminum.
How do I size that box????

Box fill info stops at #6,
Was looking at pull box size to possibly guesstimate but that involved conduit

What am I missing?
314.28 (A)
When transposing cable size into raceway size in 314.28(A)(1) and (A)(2), the minimum metric designator (trade size) raceway required for the number and size of conductors in the cable shall be used.
314.28 (A)
When transposing cable size into raceway size in 314.28(A)(1) and (A)(2), the minimum metric designator (trade size) raceway required for the number and size of conductors in the cable shall be used.
So if I understand properly I would find the size raceway the cable would fit into by measuring diameter then using tables for proper fill %, even though a conduit is not used, then treat it as a straight pull being as it will likely be using Polaris taps.
As I read it, you would base it on the raceway size needed for the same conductors were the raceway installed rather than a cable.
It is written in "Code Language" so my interpretation may be incorrect.
As I read it, you would base it on the raceway size needed for the same conductors were the raceway installed rather than a cable.
It is written in "Code Language" so my interpretation may be incorrect.
Thank you
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