box fill

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Senior Member
hey guys got a couple of questions for you guys. there was a house I did a while back that the customer wanted every recep switched. we pulled 2 12/3 to every box this overloaded the fill how would you guys have done this setup. We used singlegang fiberglass boxes and were fortunate that inspector passed this job. The other one is wall sconch lights in pancake boxes. two on same wall switched together. typically I might pull 2 whips to one. The guy Im coming behind pullled both switchelegs from switch box made joint in switch box is this code legal?


Senior Member
Re: box fill

I like to use the deep plastic boxes for things that needs volume, GFI's, three ways. Aside from that I usually just use a big enough box.


Senior Member
Re: box fill

shunk what is a nailon 4x44 box or do you mean a regular 4x4 which makes sense if stupid question I can use it with nm?


Senior Member
Re: box fill

He means a metal four square box. Maybe it would help to go down to Home Depot and check out the different boxes on the shelf. I know it's harder at a supply house because you tell the counter guys what to bring you and it's almost like they go in the back and make it. Well there has to be some reason it takes so long.


Senior Member
Re: box fill

physis I agree when I used to go to suply shop every day it always seemed like it took an hour to get out of there. Im pretty familiar with the boxes I just wasnt sure if there was a particular box made for stud nail ons


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North Carolina
Re: box fill

Two 12/3 with ground = 7 plus device = 9 x 2.25 = 20.25. Use a 22.5 cu. in. device box what is the problem.

A smart residential man will only buy the deep boxes. These work good when a receptacle is needed to be added especially on a small appliance circuit.

A 32 cu. in. two gain box doesn?t work very well when two three way are used with one switching a light or fan and the other three way switching half of the receptacles in that room. Three 14/3 and one 14/2 two switches a ground and the clamps comes to 34 cu. in. The small two gain boxes are 32 cu. in. and the deep ones are 37.5.

Remember box fill is one of the top code violations found.


Senior Member
Re: box fill

jw a smart one would indeed and thats why I left that company every day was a hassle to get the owner to do stuff to code Hes young and just dosent care. My boy was still with him when an inspector required a smoke detector what does he do sticks one up there no wire or box thats when my boy walked out


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New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: box fill

A 32 cu. in. two gain box doesn?t work very well when two three way are used with one switching a light or fan and the other three way switching half of the receptacles in that room. Three 14/3 and one 14/2 two switches a ground and the clamps comes to 34 cu. in. The small two gain boxes are 32 cu. in. and the deep ones are 37.5.
Just wondering is this a 2 gang metal box? If it's plastic, what kind of clamps do they have?


Senior Member
Right here.
Re: box fill

Originally posted by southernboys:
shunk what is a nailon 4x44 box or do you mean a regular 4x4 which makes sense if stupid question I can use it with nm?
Sorry about that. That's nonsensical slang that I developed long ago that sometimes still creeps in. The supply house guys know what I'm asking for, but I don't expect everyone else does. Yes, I'm talking about a metal 4 square with a side bracket. They are available with pryouts and romex clamps or just with knockouts (or with AC/MC clamps too). I can't say that I use them all that often in residential, but I do commercial work almost all done with 4 squares.


Senior Member
Re: box fill

got ya shunk I know exactly what youre speaking of just threw me off cause I was thinking resi Ive got to learn to think out of the box


Senior Member
Re: box fill

When i was doing houses i always pushed to just use the deep boxes.Like JW said if you need to add life just got easy.We run into the same problem in commercial.Spend that little bit more and your job is a lot easier.On track homes i can understand trying to save every last penny.Personally i wish inspectors would come down hard on box fill violations.Seperates the electricians from helpers.
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