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Senior Member
Berthoud, Colorado
Master Electrician
Could someone please refresh my memory on box fill questions.

Is a Hicky considered a emt connector or mc connector protruding into the box? No matter how many it counts as 1 of the largest conductor?

Each device counts as a two volume allowance.

A pigtail wire to a device doesn't count as anything

How do you account for a seperate circuit pulling through a box without a splice?

Thank you so much
Could someone please refresh my memory on box fill questions.

Is a Hicky considered a emt connector or mc connector protruding into the box? No matter how many it counts as 1 of the largest conductor? No. A hickey is a fixture mounting apparatus. Seldom used nowadays. Connectors protruding into the box do not count on fill.

Each device counts as a two volume allowance. Yes (unless the device is large yoke like a 50 amp receptacle)

A pigtail wire to a device doesn't count as anything Correct

How do you account for a seperate circuit pulling through a box without a splice? If it is straight thru (not looped) each conductor counts as one.

Thank you so much

marked in red
A hickey is a fixture mounting apparatus. Seldom used nowadays.

Well, other than the romantic type, they're still used to mount light fixtures to overhead boxes, although a 'bar' and short nipple are used as well.
Well, other than the romantic type, they're still used to mount light fixtures to overhead boxes, although a 'bar' and short nipple are used as well.

I seldom see one any more. Do you ?
There are various types of hickeys, here are a few:

There are various types of hickeys, here are a few:

In service work or light remodels hickeys are not uncommon in my area. I keep several of all of these in the fixture parts Kennedy Box on my truck. By far, the most common I deal with is the "crows foot" or the bar mounted stud. Either will most commonly be in 4" black painted flat pans on K&T, rigid, flex or AC wiring methods.
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