What code article covers how many computers you can have per branch ckt? the computer/monitor are rated @ <3amp
i have to power up 32 computers in a school lab, and a laser printer.
would 6 per ckt be allowed?
since they typically shut down into power saving mode when not in use, I would not consider them to be continuous.
From NEC Art. 100 - Definitions
Continuous Load. A load where the maximum current is expected to continue for 3 hours or more.
Unless you know for certain that no computer will be in use for more than 3 hours continuously, how could you decide they are not a continuous load? I would expect the computers to be on and in use for most of the day continuously.
You are missing the part where the definition says MAXIMUM current. A computer could be on and in use all day, but they will not be using their maximum current continuously for 3 hours or more.