Is it OK to have one branch circuit going from a house panel to a barn, when the barn already has its own separate service? This would be for the purpose of having that one branch circuit protected by a standby generator.
I have a house with a standby generator (automatic transfer switch), where the generator serves the whole house. There is a barn about 150 ft. away that will have its own separate overhead service. I would like to run a 120 volt, 7 amp circuit from the house to the barn just to feed a heated water container for horses, that would be protected by the generator in the event of a power outage.
Is this permissible under the Code? I can't tell from reading sections 225 and 230 of the NEC whether having these 2 separate sources of power in one building is permitted.
Many thanks for any help with this.
Cornish, NH
I have a house with a standby generator (automatic transfer switch), where the generator serves the whole house. There is a barn about 150 ft. away that will have its own separate overhead service. I would like to run a 120 volt, 7 amp circuit from the house to the barn just to feed a heated water container for horses, that would be protected by the generator in the event of a power outage.
Is this permissible under the Code? I can't tell from reading sections 225 and 230 of the NEC whether having these 2 separate sources of power in one building is permitted.
Many thanks for any help with this.
Cornish, NH