Finishing up the install on a duel-pump fuel dispenser. Wiring was done in accordance with the dispenser manual. These are the circuits from the subpanel supplying the dispenser:
1. Control power, 120VAC: one pair of 14 AWG on a dedicated 15A breaker to power the dispenser electronics.
2. Suction pump motor power, 240VAC: one pair of 10AWG on a dedicated 2-pole 20A breaker to power both pump motors. (Only 12AWG was required.)
This dispenser is fed from two Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs) and the dispenser has two pairs of wires in its junction box for activating (powering) each of the anti-siphon solenoid valves at the top of the tanks. Each solenoid draws less than 1A. According to the dispenser manual: "Wire for solenoid control is recommended to be 14 AWG." So that is what was installed.
I've since discovered that the power for each of the solenoid control wires is tapped directly off the power leads to its respective pump motor inside the head of the dispenser. (I had originally incorrectly assumed that the solenoids would be powered from the dispenser control circuit.) There are no additional fuses or breakers inside the dispenser head to provide additional protection on these solenoid wires. That means the 14 AWG solenoid wires are only protected by the 20A breaker in the subpanel.
Is this acceptable? If not, why would the dispenser manual recommend 14 AWG wire for the solenoids?
1. Control power, 120VAC: one pair of 14 AWG on a dedicated 15A breaker to power the dispenser electronics.
2. Suction pump motor power, 240VAC: one pair of 10AWG on a dedicated 2-pole 20A breaker to power both pump motors. (Only 12AWG was required.)
This dispenser is fed from two Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs) and the dispenser has two pairs of wires in its junction box for activating (powering) each of the anti-siphon solenoid valves at the top of the tanks. Each solenoid draws less than 1A. According to the dispenser manual: "Wire for solenoid control is recommended to be 14 AWG." So that is what was installed.
I've since discovered that the power for each of the solenoid control wires is tapped directly off the power leads to its respective pump motor inside the head of the dispenser. (I had originally incorrectly assumed that the solenoids would be powered from the dispenser control circuit.) There are no additional fuses or breakers inside the dispenser head to provide additional protection on these solenoid wires. That means the 14 AWG solenoid wires are only protected by the 20A breaker in the subpanel.
Is this acceptable? If not, why would the dispenser manual recommend 14 AWG wire for the solenoids?