My questions refers to the following statement;
All conductors of a MWBC must originate from the same panelboard [210.4(A)]. Each MWBC must have a means to simultaneously disconnect all ungrounded conductors where the MWBC originates [210.4(B)]. You can use individual single-pole circuit breakers with handle ties identified for the purpose [240.15(B)(1)].
How does this apply to computer room power whips. If the whips contain MWBC's in the same raceway (sealtite) but have seperate boxes with seperate devices that feed different loads, Is it a requirement to de-energized all circuits contained in the same raceway?
All conductors of a MWBC must originate from the same panelboard [210.4(A)]. Each MWBC must have a means to simultaneously disconnect all ungrounded conductors where the MWBC originates [210.4(B)]. You can use individual single-pole circuit breakers with handle ties identified for the purpose [240.15(B)(1)].
How does this apply to computer room power whips. If the whips contain MWBC's in the same raceway (sealtite) but have seperate boxes with seperate devices that feed different loads, Is it a requirement to de-energized all circuits contained in the same raceway?