Branch circuits in a “different” building than service.

Ok. So I am a facilities electrician at a company. We have a “group” of buildings we have added onto to make 1 big building. Each addition has a different address for the service. 7070, 7060, 7040.
No wires go in between buildings except fire alarm wires. The maintenance manager now wants to run a branch circuit between 7060 and 7040. The circuit will originate in 7040 and supply a work station in 7060.
We are pretty much out of power in 7060. The last load study I did revealed about 100 amp available on the 7060 buss bar, so he wants to bring it from the other building.
I’m not real fond of this idea, cause it will create a precedent going forward and we will have all kinds of branch circuits ran between buildings and it’s going to be a mess.
Is there a code article against this?
Thinking building supplies via another service would limit how many circuits could go in between.
Upgrade is gonna be about 1/2 million dollars, in a down year, so that’s not gonna happen.
I did read 225.30 and it allows 1 circuit.
Which we already have. They pulled a 480V 1000 amp feeder circuit from 7040 to 7060 to feed a vacuum furnace.

So it’s gonna be anything new that is added is physically located in and fed from 7040.