branch circuits to other floors

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
The FGI (facilities guidelines Institute) for hospitals limits running branch circuits for all but Life Safety circuits to only the floor the panel is on. I'm trying to think if the NEC has any such requirement either in 517 (and so as it applies to hospitals) or elsewhere (applicable to other types of facilities. Can anyone tell me if this requirement or one like it exists in the NEC?
Not in the NEC that I know of- I know of prints where a panel one one floor feeds multiple floors.

Do you have a pdf of the FGI?
Thank you all
mbrook - the FGI no longer issues PDF versions if you can believe that. So if we're talking the one that is being used in most states now, namely the 2018 (well - I don't know about most of the states - but here in MA and I know NH at least are using 2018), you have to join this subscription site called MadCAD. I do have access to that.
So Ron et al - There are no prohibitions to your knowledge in running a branch circuit from one floor to another be it Normal Branch or Emergency?
This gets difficult and I'm not a code guy. However I do work at a hospital FWIW. I can tell you the new stuff is all powered from panels on the floor. While you might not find a section of the code that requires power comes (only) from a panel on the are likely to find wording like "Branch-circuit overcurrent devices shall be made readily accessible to nursing and other authorized personnel". It doesn't say "or" and it is hard to argue a nurse has access to a locked electrical closet on a different floor. In the end the AHJ has the last word in the matter, not NEC.

And then there are "specs" for the job. These days you are likely to see something like the following:
2) Panelboards
A) Panelboards serving critical branch, equipment system, or normal system loads shall be located on the same floor as the loads to be served.
B) Location of panelboards serving life safety branch loads on the floor above or the floor below the loads to be served shall be permitted.
C) New panelboards shall not be located in public access corridors.

Bottom line, I'd let the PE fight all those battles and I'd want a stamped/approved set of plans that has passed review by all AHJ's before I bid the job. Helps a lot if you do hospitals in your area and know the people involved. Contractors new to hospitals and/or my area often get eaten alive.
Thank you all
mbrook - the FGI no longer issues PDF versions if you can believe that. So if we're talking the one that is being used in most states now, namely the 2018 (well - I don't know about most of the states - but here in MA and I know NH at least are using 2018), you have to join this subscription site called MadCAD. I do have access to that.

Do they allow screen shots? Can you make one?

I can believe you. The codes being used to dictate are no longer legit, transparent or in favor of the user or the people they serve.
Bottom line, I'd let the PE fight all those battles and I'd want a stamped/approved set of plans that has passed review by all AHJ's before I bid the job. Helps a lot if you do hospitals in your area and know the people involved. Contractors new to hospitals and/or my area often get eaten alive.
I am that guy, and only do health care when it happens to pass my desk, like 2 or 3 times in 30 years, so it is important to follow the code and write the spec and draw the drawings based on the code. If an AHJ wants to make stuff up locally that isn't documented in adopted amendments that can be acquired as I check for remotely, then I fight those battles and almost always win.

I don't win the battle when someone decides it is easier to give in and let the AHJ be a bully.
Hi Ron - thanks as always for all the great input. Just a comment on those AHJ's who make up code. I find them to be far and few in between but it is maddening when you run into one. My client has usually caved before I get a chance to fight it. Personally, I like a good fight.
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