Branch Circuits

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2008 code book
I'm confused on the following:
Article 210.21(B)(2)
Does this refer to a dedicated circuit?
Table 210.24 indicates that a branch circuit is permissible to have the maximum load on it based on the overcurrent protection. 15amp breaker, 15amp max. load 20amp breaker, 20amp max. load and so on...
I'm I understanding this correct?
That is pretty clear "...a branch circuit supplying two or more receptacles or outlets, a receptacle shall not supply a total cord-and-plug-connected load in excess of the maximum specified in Table 210.21(B)(2)."
The maximum load is column 3 "Maximum Load (Amperes)"
This is NOT a dedicated circuit. Table 210.24 outlines what size minimum CONDUCTORS, the OVERCURRENT PROTECTION, and the MAXIMUM load.
Don't overread this stuff; if you try to digest this all in one lump, you will run yourself crazy.
RTFQ Read The ___ Question.
Good luck, I hope this helps.
2008 code book
Table 210.24 indicates that a branch circuit is permissible to have the maximum load on it based on the overcurrent protection. 15amp breaker, 15amp max. load 20amp breaker, 20amp max. load and so on...
I'm I understanding this correct?

Yes. Also look at 210.23:

210.23 Permissible Loads.
In no case shall the load exceed the branch-circuit ampere rating. An individual branch circuit shall be permitted to supply any load for which it is rated. A branch circuit supplying two or more outlets or receptacles shall supply only the loads specified according to its size as specified in 210.23(A) through (D) and as summarized in 210.24 and Table 210.24.
so by "receptacle" singular that means 1 cord and plug connected load on that circuit can not exceed 80% of the circuit rating?
so by "receptacle" singular that means 1 cord and plug connected load on that circuit can not exceed 80% of the circuit rating?
Note 210.23 states:
210.23 Permissible Loads.
In no case shall the load exceed the branch-circuit ampere rating. An individual branch circuit shall be permitted to supply any load for which it is rated. A branch circuit supplying two or more outlets or receptacles shall supply only the loads specified according to its size as specified in 210.23(A) through (D) and as summarized in 210.24 and Table 210.24. (emphasis added)

so 210.23(A)(1) applies when the circuit is supplying two or more outlets or receptacles. So the 80% load limit that you reference is where the circuit supplies two or more. The limit does not apply to a singular outlet.
so by "receptacle" singular that means 1 cord and plug connected load on that circuit can not exceed 80% of the circuit rating?

It says this:

210.23 Permissible Loads.
In no case shall the load exceed the branch-circuit ampere rating. An individual branch circuit shall be permitted to supply any load for which it is rated. A branch circuit supplying two or more outlets or receptacles shall supply only the loads specified according to its size as specified in 210.23(A) through (D) and as summarized in 210.24 and Table 210.24.
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