breaker box markings....

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have a situation for you....
was out on a job, we screwed up on the markings for the breaker box. boss wants me to go back with "duct tape," and list the breakers on the duct tape. I am concerned that 1) by doing so, I will be in violation of the NEC, 2) after a period of time, thae markings will fade out and become unreadable.
I have confronted my boss about my concerns and he has told me that it is acceptable under NEC to mark the breaker box in such a manner.
Could anyone give me the section(s) of the code that woulld allow me to do so? I know the NEC says that the breaker box has to permenately marked; I am just concerned that by marking as directed by my boss that I will be in violation of code. Am I right or should I just go ahead and mark the box as I am being directed by my boss?


Senior Member
Re: breaker box markings....

Its never a good thing to argue with your boss he signs the check! But in any event the nec 408.4 only states that the circuits shall be legibly marked and that the circuit directory can be located on the face or inside of the panel. Since there is no definition of a circuit directory who's to say it can't be duct tape written on. It may not be the best solution but it should meet code.

tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
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Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
Re: breaker box markings....

The 05 NEC has a significant change to this rule.
The directory must list the clear, evident and specific purpose for the circuits and circuit modifications.
Lights, Lights, Lights is not adequate.
The marking must be legible. See 408.4
If I was a contractor I would do the best possible panel directory. its what many persons will see as they will never see the work inside the panel....


Senior Member
Right here.
Re: breaker box markings....

My supply house sells a generic blank panel schedule sticker (that costs every bit of one dollar) to use on such occasions. While the duct tape method is compliant, it's not something I'd be proud of. I've used the 1/2" Brother P-Touch label machine for remarking a circuit or two that was originally written in ink.

[ June 15, 2005, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: mdshunk ]


Senior Member
Re: breaker box markings....

I often type them up on the computer the evening before a final trip and tape it on the inside of the panel with clear tape, or laminate it.

I have found a laminator that will make a piece of paper into a sticker. $40.00 I think at staples.


Senior Member
Re: breaker box markings....

All walmarts have an electronic labler that comes with a roll of white tape (indoor use)
But they also have a metallic tape that is ul listed for direct exposure to rain and sun.It sells for about $ 16.00 with having to buy the batteries,works great !!! 4 font sizes just type it in hit print cut and cover mismarked circuit.
We also use the metalic tape to mark a/c disconnects a/c 1 a/c 2 etc.Just consider it another tool you need to do a clean job duct tape is cheezy :p

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: breaker box markings....

Why label the A/C units?

In multifamily, perhaps, but on single-family, what's the point? If I'm going to rip out an A/C disconnect, I guarantee I'm not going to allow the "other" disconnect to be energized, trusting a label. :)

George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: breaker box markings....

Originally posted by amremt6:
Could anyone give me the section(s) of the code that woulld allow me to do so?
Michael, welcome to the forum! :)

The NEC is a permissive document. The way you ask this question is slightly misguided. If the NEC does not prohibit a method, it is allowed. Now, finding the prohibition and recognizing it, that's the fun part. :D

My question for you is, why not use panel labels? I try to keep a stock of them on my truck, just due to the fact that I screw up, and rather than erase things like crazy, I'd rather the customer gets a clean-looking label.


Senior Member
Northern illinois
Re: breaker box markings....

Go to Walmart. Spend $20 on a small label printer. Well worth it. Buy some extra label tape while you are at it. Once you have one of these, you find all kinds of things that need to be labeled.


Senior Member
Outside Baltimore Maryland
Master Electrician
Re: breaker box markings....

I have a blank directory template in Excel. I just print it on full size sticker sheets available from the office supply store. Easy to change and keeps a copy available to me if a question ever come up with the customer.

I also put my logo and phone number at the top of the sticker. A cheap way to advertise and keep your name in front of the customer too.


Senior Member
Re: breaker box markings....

George some homes have upwards of 5 to 7 a/c condensores sitting side by side.when I denergizeI still check but that`s me.the labeling is a great safety feature :D JMO

william runkle

Senior Member
Re: breaker box markings....

A possible solution see if you can put the breakers to line up with panel directory then if that is possible you do not need use the duct tape.


Senior Member
Re: breaker box markings....

A possible solution see if you can put the breakers to line up with panel directory then if that is possible you do not need use the duct tape

After a hot day ohming out H/R`s that the green help the shop sent and they barely know what a pair of kliens are are you going to take it for granted that a/c 1 is in fact a/c 1 when they marked it.OUCH been bitten hard to many times :eek:


Re: breaker box markings....

I guess there is nothing wrong with the duct tape....but the words professional workmanlike manner will probably ring a bell with most of us....on many drawings, plans and specifications.

If it was up to me, I wouldn't want ot be remembered as the person that corrected the markings with duct tape.

If I was inspecting or owning the project and a company uses duct tape to correct the marking, I would certainly make a mental note NOT to recommend or contract them know its a professional issue to, it's not like you can say that doing it correctly will make or break the project.

[ June 19, 2005, 08:10 PM: Message edited by: molotov27 ]


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: breaker box markings....

I have a blank directory template in Excel. I just print it on full size sticker sheets available from the office supply store. Easy to change and keeps a copy available to me if a question ever come up with the customer.

I also put my logo and phone number at the top of the sticker. A cheap way to advertise and keep your name in front of the customer too.
Jim, this is exactly how we do it also. Staples sells adhesive labels that are 8.5x11. We simply print the entire directory and logo on one half of the sheet. It fits perfectly on the inside of the panel door and looks highly professional, while providing free advertising for the future.


Senior Member
Re: breaker box markings....

Neat is always good, that's one reason why you're an electrician and not one of those other trades, right? :)


Senior Member
Re: breaker box markings....

Come on we can`t catorigize us as the only trade that takes pride :D Also have seen plumbers create a maze to go 3 ft ;)
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