rtu min breaker size 59 amps max 70 fla 44 amps wire size #6 rtu less than 100 feet from panel breaker is heating to 113 F ??? checked amps at panel with meter 43.6 it is a 4 wire delte high leg 3p 120/240 system
Are you having tripping problems? 113 deg F is not very hot and may be expected, especially on a roof top. 113 deg C is hot. Were conductors derated for ambient temperature. 2008 code has new requirements for determining ambient temperature on rooftops.
This new rule only applies if the conductors are installed a distance of 10 feet or 10% whichever is less of the total run on the rooftop. (310.15 (A) (2) Exception)
rtu min breaker size 59 amps max 70 fla 44 amps wire size #6 rtu less than 100 feet from panel breaker is heating to 113 F ??? checked amps at panel with meter 43.6 it is a 4 wire delte high leg 3p 120/240 system