in the Video of Mike explain how to determinate the size of the conductor and the circuit breaker according to the NEC 2014.
I recently did and instalacion of some AC equipment. in the data plate have:
MODEL: EBC300A3E0A00000000000000000000
COMPR#1 50.5 A (RLA)
COMPR#2 35.7 A (RLA)
COND#1 4.6 A (FLA)
COND#2 4.6 A (FLA)
EVAP. STD 24.2 A (FLA)
EVAP. O/S 30.8 A (FLA)
And.... I put a Breaker of 150A, when the max permitted by the data plate is 175A.
The question is:
1) Is correct to put a breaker less that indicate in te data plate? or always is necessary put the value indicate in the data plate?
I believe that this AC Unit will not have all the motors (6 motors) running all the time (150.4A) that's why I hope the breaker will function properly.
Thank you for your help.