Breaker Sizing UL508A


United States
Electrical Engineer
I have control transformer 1000VA, 208/120. I want to know if my breaker sizes are correct as per UL508A. Primary side, 1000/208 *250/100=12A. What should be the size of breaker 10A or 15A on primary side? On secondary side, 1000/120 * 125/100=10A. Is 10A breaker ok on secondary side? Thank you,
Please refer to Table 450.3(B). The factor to use for primary only protection of transformers with primary currents 9 amperes or less @ 1000V or less is 167%. In you case that would be 1000/208 = 4.8 X 1.67 =8 amperes. Since available fuse ratings are 2, 4. 6. 10. 16, etc., choose 10A and be done with it.
Please refer to Table 450.3(B). The factor to use for primary only protection of transformers with primary currents 9 amperes or less @ 1000V or less is 167%. In you case that would be 1000/208 = 4.8 X 1.67 =8 amperes. Since available fuse ratings are 2, 4. 6. 10. 16, etc., choose 10A and be done with it.
Thank you!
Please refer to Table 450.3(B). The factor to use for primary only protection of transformers with primary currents 9 amperes or less @ 1000V or less is 167%. In you case that would be 1000/208 = 4.8 X 1.67 =8 amperes. Since available fuse ratings are 2, 4. 6. 10. 16, etc., choose 10A and be done with it.
he asked about UL508a, not NEC.

according to the OP, it is a control transformer.

control transformers are dealt with in paragraph 42.

the rated primary current is 1000/208 = 4.8 Amps. the rated secondary current is 1000/120 = 8.33 Amps.

Since he indicated he plans to use both primary and secondary protection, he needs to use table 42.2.


the rating of the primary protection can not exceed 250% of 4.8 Amps or 12 Amps.

the rating of the secondary protection cannot exceed 167% of 8.33 Amps, or 13.91 Amps. You cannot go up to the next standard size. Note "a" only applies when the rated secondary current is 9 Amps or more.

I am pretty sure this is the same as is found in the NEC.