This is an old system, it doesn't sync. The generator only supplies power to "necessary" equipment. The breaker that is tripping is the normal power feed from the switch gear. They added a few extra things to the generator about 8 years ago. I have never been able to make it trip on transfer since some machines are not always in use, (as normal you are never there when the problem occurs) (they are controlled by plc's, floats etc.). The highest amps I've got at transfer is 304, then it drops to around 170, actual running amps, but I'm sure it exceeds 400 amps if everything is running at transfer I'm pretty sure that if I can just delay the startup of the bigger loads and stagger the times the breaker will not trip. The highest HP motor is 30 HP. I just need some way to delay the startup, and the Ice Cubes don't "see" the the power loss. It happens so fast the lights don't even flicker.