We have an exisiting 480v 3ph 400a panel with XFMR that feeds 2 120/208 subpanels A and B. The print is asking for a 100a for a new 100a 120/208 to be feed from B panel. When installing breaker and panel what are the requirements for new panel and breaker as far as AIC ratings of breaker and panel. The print doesnt detail any panel or breaker. The drawings only specifiy contractor is responsible verifying AIC ratings. The Siemens P1 panels for 480v is 42k and both 208 22k on print. We are going to stay with Same Siemens brand for Sub panel. Shoulf we keep same 22k aIC for sub panel and breaker? What required information is needed to determine new panel and breaker, We are planning to use same brand and breaker 22l aic. The 480v panel also has some AHU that require new breaker for equipment. Again whats required information needed to determine breaker.
AM i over thinking this and keep all equipment the same and match all AIC for all breakers present? I just want to make sure we are following all NEC
when it comes to OCD
AM i over thinking this and keep all equipment the same and match all AIC for all breakers present? I just want to make sure we are following all NEC
when it comes to OCD