Bridge Crane Circuit Breaker Sizing

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New Hampsire
Electrical Engineer
I am currently designing a DPW facility where there will be a 5-ton bridge crane. The cut sheet calls out the starting current as 112A and the nominal amps as 26A and a HP of 8.8. The cut sheet also calls out for a main fuse size of 30A at the bridge panel.

Do I size the circuit breaker feeding this crane based on the starting amps, the nominal amps or the HP.

Looking at article 610 it refers to 430 so do I size the breaker for the motor HP based on Article 430.52 or the starting amps or Nominal amps.
Basically it is sized for the maximum continuous current rating. Special conductor sizing rules for cranes and hoist in the US. See NEC Art 610. If the vendor is requiring a 30 A fuse, that's a good indication of the size needed for the feeder breaker. You should take a close look at the data sheet and installation instructions - there are probably at least three motors on the crane. If in doubt, contact the crane vendor.

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