brk 9120 problems

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I have a 300 unit apartment complex, we have brk 9120 b detectors installed, they randomly go off. Has anyone had this problem? I have replaced batteries, the detectors are not dirty, we had a power quality meter and found nothing unusual. Does anyone have any ideas?

Not all of us are going to know what a brk 9120 b might be, and I'm among the "know nots." Perhaps a bit more information might help.
charlie b said:
Not all of us are going to know what a brk 9120 b might be, and I'm among the "know nots." Perhaps a bit more information might help.

Charlie they are BRK smoke detectors
My supply company just changed from firex -- never had a problem-- to BRK 9120B. I just installed my first one today. Fingers are crossed.

How sure are you that the detector field is clean? I am asking because there are instances on some detectors, both ionization and photo-electric, of insects, dust particles and even dirt getting in to them.

One question is: do they continually go off or is there a certain time that you are noticing?
kkwong said:

One question is: do they continually go off or is there a certain time that you are noticing?

Are they going off after someone took a steamy shower and the SD are outside the bathroom door.
Brk 9120b is a ionization smoke detector, these units are clean, a large percentage are in unoccupied units. I recently (8 weeks ago) replaced 600 detectors. These were ok until about a week ago, now I am having random problems, again, about 60 percent of the false alarms are at night. The brk engineers installed a power quality meter, they did not find anything, they also checked for RF energy, again no problems. I am hoping somone has had this problem and can suggest a fix...
Forced air heating/ac in these apartments? These are ionizations type detectors, and if you have the detectors mounted too close to the supply's and return's, they'll certainly go off seemingly at random.
mdshunk said:
Forced air heating/ac in these apartments? These are ionizations type detectors, and if you have the detectors mounted too close to the supply's and return's, they'll certainly go off seemingly at random.

The building code requires SD to have a 3' clearance from cold air returns.
Dennis Alwon said:
The building code requires SD to have a 3' clearance from cold air returns.
But we both know that what codes say and what got installed and approved are often two very different things. Plus, I think that 3 feet is entirely too close for to a return for a smoke alarm to provide assured trouble free operation.
Chris, are they recently painted? Paint fumes wreak havoc on ionization-type detectors.

That's why they come with the little pink shower-caps.
LarryFine said:
Chris, are they recently painted? Paint fumes wreak havoc on ionization-type detectors.

That's why they come with the little pink shower-caps.

I thought the pink caps were for the dust. I buy the ones with nose plugs for the fumes.;)
I was thinking more along the lines of the Fyrnetics 1275. A similar model to the BRK discussed in this thread. (Edit: Looks like i12060 is the same thing)

As for the problems you are experiencing regarding the non-communication between units, I offer the following possibilities:

1) The red lead is not stripped (I know, but you have to ask). :D

2) Connector not fully seated on the smoke alarm.

3) Your 3-wire cable is bad.

4) Bad batch of smokes, have to replace `em all. (happens to the best of `em)

I have had all of the above occur at one time or another when troubleshooting smokes... ;)
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