Broken or missing fixtures on finish

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
What do you guys do when you have broken, missing, or fixtures without parts when installing finish for jobs.
I had a fixture the other day with the wrong mounting bar and I did not have one to make it work. If I were going to be there a few more trips I'd get to it later. Since this was my last day I blanked up the light and left the fixture and let the builder know. There was other lighting so blanking up was not a code issue otherwise I would have put up a porcelain to keep it legal. Had to get final inspection. When they get the correct parts I'll go install it and of course charge for this.
Re: Broken or missing fixtures on finish

Originally posted by electricmanscott:
What do you guys do when you have broken, missing, or fixtures without parts when installing finish for jobs.
I avoid buying fixtures (and just about anything else) at those big buildings with the orange lettering :D

If you supplied the fixtures, you may have to eat it.

Originally posted by electricmanscott:

When they get the correct parts I'll go install it and of course charge for this.
Who is "they" and who supplied/stored the fixtures.
Re: Broken or missing fixtures on finish

Oops! Customer supplied fixtures. I don't supply any fixtures other than recessed and undercabinet lights.
We usually make it work. It is sometimes up to the electrician to make things work e.g. have the right parts stocked on the truck, or find a way to make it work.

As an electrician we are sometimes expected to figure a way to mount something as simple as a light fixture. If the part that is missing is a custom part of the fixture then it is up to the customer to get the correct part from the manufacture.
Re: Broken or missing fixtures on finish

The biggy is when they have 4 matching coach lights.First 3 go fine then on 4th you find a damaged or missing parts.They cant get another like it because it was a close out and they bought them 7 months ago.Now what ? Who pays to remove other 3 and install 4 that match ?I been there a few times. :mad:
Re: Broken or missing fixtures on finish

I have one of those parachute bags, I'll keep every extra part, screw and bracket. I'll keep old brackets from fixtures that have been removed, just for situations like this.
Re: Broken or missing fixtures on finish

Back charge the supplier. He then will back charge his supplier. I had to do this for an EC I was working for. Before that I didn't know this could be done. He charges them for an lost time. If the fixtures are discontinued he'd that them all back order new and charge them for the labor.

[ March 24, 2005, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: highkvoltage ]
Re: Broken or missing fixtures on finish

Originally posted by electricmanscott:
Oops! Customer supplied fixtures.
I guess they will be paying for the callback.

Like most have said..if it's a screw or some "unseen part" - you do what you can to get it done; but if it's like jim says...who carries an amber lense for a coach light with them?

I hope "they" like the lights "they" supplied and "they" stored...missing parts and all, if not - I would be more than happy to locate an equal number of new and similar lights, furnish, and install for $xxx/per. fixture.
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