buck boost transformer selection wire sizes, conduit size, max run, cutoff switch

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West Virginia
I need to power a piece of equipment that's 208VAC 3 phase 114 A full load (175 A rating) to be fed from a 240/120VAC Transformer

I'm sizing a buck-boost transformer. (208x114x1.73)/1000 = 41 KVA.

The buck boost transformer I've selected is load/line 208/240 56.2KVA 156 Load Amps - >>> does this sound correct?

The 240 VAC transformer is feeding a panel. I plan on adding a 150A 3 pole breaker >>> is that correct breaker sizing? (114Ax1.25= 142.5 ~ 150A breaker)

From the 240VAC/150A 3 pole breaker it's 1/14" conduit with (5) 2/0 Copper (175 Ampacity) Black Red Blue White Neutral Green Ground - So 5 wires. >>> Is that the correct # of wires and size of wires? Correct size of Conduit?

How far of a Run can I do with the 240VAC to the buck boost transformer?

From the buck Boost Transformer supplying 208VAC I'll have a flex cable to a cutoff switch. The wires are the same
(5) 2/0 Copper (175 Ampacity) Black Red Blue White Neutral Green Ground - So 5 wires. >>> Is that the correct # of wires and size of wires?

Then same wires and size from the cutoff switch to the equipment, 1 1/4" conduit.

Would a panel & breaker be needed from the cutoff switch with 150A Fuses to the equipment is feeding the equipment from the cutoff switch sufficient?

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