steve66 said:
With a 32V secondary, it seems like you should get 240V - 32V = 208V. Can anyone explain why I don't see exactly 240V to 208V in the charts?
Information taken from the Sola Web Site:
Buck-Boost transformers are small, single phase, dry type distribution
transformers designed and shipped as insulating/isolating transformers. They
have a dual voltage primary and a dual voltage secondary. These transformers can be connected for a wide range of voltage combinations. The most common use is to buck (lower) or boost (raise) the supply voltage a small amount, usually 5 to 27%. Buck-Boost transformers are in compliance with NEC Article 210-9, Exception 1 when field connected as an autotransformer.
Sola/Hevi-Duty buck-boost transformers are designed to supply power to low
voltage lighting circuits, control panels or other systems requiring 12, 16,
24, 32, or 48 Volts. When connected as an insulating transformer (by following the wiring diagram on the inside of the transformer case), the transformer's capacity matches the nameplate KVA rating."
If the transformer has a 10% buck, using 240 volts - 10% x 240 = 216 volts.
The transformers