The exception would be an EC that picks up an 80's or 90's pile of junk that leaves a trail of oil and hydraulic fluid wherever it goes.
for anyone who does bucket truck work like light pole lights etc. what are you likes and dislikes. gas or diesel? ford, chevy, international. etc, etc.
do you think its a good investment
for anyone who does bucket truck work like light pole lights etc. what are you likes and dislikes. gas or diesel? ford, chevy, international. etc, etc.
do you think its a good investment
Yup. I have a friend that did just that. Has an old 89' Ford bucket van for years and I would say it sits in his lot 99% of the time. Don't forget maintenance and upkeep is important for safety and although is expensive your life depends on it. You can't maintain these yourself. The boom and mounting (particularly welds) need to be inspected and certified every few years and the dielectric strength of the boom needs to be verified. Keep in mind that old units like this one will automatically be recommended to be scrapped because they have outlived their safe life. Search You Tube for bucket truck failures, scary stuff. I have used his truck a couple of times but was afraid for my life because I know it probably was never looked at since it was new. With rentals you are assured of getting a recent truck that has been maintained and certified.
That is the problem in rural areas, sure you can rent equipment, but is a bigger hassle when the closest place to rent from is two or three hours away. If you have such equipment in rural area you will likely do more then just electrical work with it, because it is usually only you and the utility companies that have this equipment, maybe an occasional tree trimming service - but they usually won't do any electrical work with them. I have had some of them let me use their truck on occasion though.We have a ford F550 4x4 diesel with a 42ft boom. It's a must have for us out in the rural area. Nobody around here rents bucket trucks. For as heavy as they are I'd reccomend a diesel. I've seen them in gas models but they get horrible gas mileage. We bought the same type of boom as the local power company that way we can get service easily because the cservice rep is in our area all the time
for anyone who does bucket truck work like light pole lights etc. what are you likes and dislikes. gas or diesel? ford, chevy, international. etc, etc.
do you think its a good investment