Building served by feeder and SE rating

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Argument going on in the office right now....

I have a campus of 7 school buildings all served by a switchboard remote in a parking lot. The switchboard is served by an ATS fed by an old generator and the utility.

I understand that the ATS is a service entrance and must be rated as such. The circuits from the switchboard to each individual building are feeders.

Does the main equipment in each building have to be SE rated? Does each building have to stick to no more than 6 disconnects? The general consensus is 'yes', but I thought I would get more opinions for knowledge.


Senior Member
Does the main equipment in each building have to be SE rated?
Yes, article 225.36 requires the service disconnect/s to be service rated.
Caligula said:
Does each building have to stick to no more than 6 disconnects? The general consensus is 'yes', but I thought I would get more opinions for knowledge.

Article 225.33 limits the maximum number of disconnects to 6 on a single feeder. Your also allowed an additional feeder/disconnect for the fire pump and also for an emergency source feeder.(225.34B)

sorry bryan, i didn't refresh before posting
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