Building Served by Feeder: Over 1000V Disconnecting Means

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Senior Member
In an industrial complex under single management, the main service (metal enclosed fused switchgear, 12.47kV) is about 500 feet away from the building complex. If a new feeder is brought to one of the existing buildings for a new test stand, does it require another disconnecting means right before or after it enters the building? Or is the feeder bay outside adequate. The site has a campus switching procedure.

225.32 seems to note (by exception), the campus switching procedure is sufficient. I'm wondering about 225.52 though... it uses the term readily accessible - does 500 feet away meet the requirement?
Accessible, Readily (Readily Accessible). Capable of being
reached quickly for operation, renewal, or inspections without
requiring those to whom ready access is requisite to take
actions such as to use tools (other than keys), to climb over or
under, to remove obstacles, or to resort to portable ladders,
and so forth. (CMP-1)

Distance does not seem to be an issue with being "readily accessible" as defined in the code.
“Accessible” as used for under 600 V is very different from above that. Medium voltage equipment is intended to be accessible only to qualified personnel whereas under 600 V can be accessed by anyone. The signage is different, too. And equipment designs are much more aggressive when it comes to access to live bus. Taking voltage and current measurements is extremely difficult to do.

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