What classification would inside the dike wall be?:-?
Division 1 isn't too likely.Most likely a C1D1 location.
I can certainly see how containment may be an issue; how is electrical area classification affected (or perceived to be affected)?Agree with posts 6 & 7, but am offering a heads up - industry is going to start getting tight since BP and an incident here in Alaska at pump station 9 on the TAPS. The pipeline, in it's automated state, chose poorly on a valve functionality, resulting in oil escaping a tank, and a response into overdrive. The event was overblown by the news media, and presstitutes swarmed, what does this mean? That anything to do with oil and dikes, will be in hyperdrive, write your contingencies, into your contracts with capital CYA direction!
From Table 515.3 with respect to a dike:
Tank ? aboveground
Division 1 ? inside dike where dike height is greater than the distance from the tank to the dike for more than 50 percent of the tank circumference
exactly mean?for more than 50 percent of the tank circumference