Bulldog breakers

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Anybody know where I can get two Bulldog 1 pole 30a Pushmatic (cat#3030) circuit breakers. Looked on Ebay already & didn't see any that matched. Thanks in advance, Mr. S.
Try Baybreakers.com. They have numerous out of date breakers. Also try your local Siemens/ITE distributor. The new number is P130.
You can still get them brand new from your jobber who handles Siemens.

Pushmatic/Bulldog/Goulds were all brands features on that breaker at some point, which are available from the Siemens guys now.

I happen to have a 1p30 PushMatic if you get real stuck and are in a hurry for it.
I will like to give you a head up with the Pushmatic breaker if you have to replace the P2100 breaker which it is a common main breaker used in the resdential load centre.

You may want to check it ahead of the time to see if have in stock if not many case it can be backlogged for a while [ the company will make so many of #'s a batch only ] and slowly dropped out of market so if you have P2100 breaker keep it on your shelf it will come handy pretty soon.

I ran into the pushmatic's at least twice a year.

{ P260 and smaller is pretty easy to find but getting more pricier when time go by }

Merci, Marc
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