Burial Depth of Grounding Electrodes

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Senior Member
A burial depth for the GEC is not specified in the NEC 2002. A proposal was accepted to require the GEC to be at least 12" below grade from the building to the electrode. (5-154) In my area of the world, the GEC is commonly buried just below the surface or even directly on the surface of the ground before sod is laid.

1. What is the common practice in your area?

2. Do you feel this requirement is needed?

3. Anyone know how this made out in the comment process?
Re: Burial Depth of Grounding Electrodes

5-116 Log #372 NEC-P05 Final Action: Accept ( 250.64(B) )
Comment on Proposal No: 5-154
Recommendation: Delete the following text:
A bare or insulated direct burial grounding electrode conductor from the building surface to the grounding electrode or run run between grounding electrodes shall be installed to a depth of not less than 300 mm (12 in.) below grade. The depth of burial shall be permitted to be reduced 10 150 mm (6 in.) where the cable is beneath concrete or similar material with a thickness of not less than 50 mm (2 in.).
Substantiation: Reject this proposal. The burial depth has no technical substantiation - see Mr. Toomer's comment. Also, the performance of the grounding system will be degraded. Grounding conductors should be as short and straight as possible for best performance. This requirement will be difficult for installers where the grounding electrode is installed in close proximity to a building wall.
Panel Meeting Action: Accept
Number Eligible to Vote: 16
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 16
Re: Burial Depth of Grounding Electrodes

Thanks Charlie, I haven't been able to access the ROC or I could have avoided asking the question.
Re: Burial Depth of Grounding Electrodes

Washington State requires 12" burial depth, in its electrical newsletter, which is not enforceable as code....I try for 12" in any event.
Re: Burial Depth of Grounding Electrodes

I usually bury it about a foot deep and have never had any trouble accomplishing this. Seems like a good idea to me. I think "the performance of the grounding system will be degraded" when the gec gets damaged by something.
Re: Burial Depth of Grounding Electrodes

I am going to play devils advocate here :D

For a standard residential situation, if the GEC to the ground rod is damaged, on average how serious of a problem is this? (with the cold water attachment still intact)

Re: Burial Depth of Grounding Electrodes

Pierre, the ground rod is worthless in comparison to the water ground. That is not why the "extra" grounding electrode was required. Somewhere around 1975, the water was required to be supplemented with an additional electrode, not because it was not very good but because of the non-metallic sections of plastic pipe the kept the water from being a grounding electrode. :D
Re: Burial Depth of Grounding Electrodes

Tom baker I cant find anything in the WAC that requires a 12 " burial depth. Is this just a reccomendation by the State or what? I always use # 4 copper and have never really given much thought to the depth of burial. I suppose 12 " would be a reasonably good practice however.
Re: Burial Depth of Grounding Electrodes

He said it was in a newsletter, not the WAC, so it is not enforceable.
Re: Burial Depth of Grounding Electrodes

depending on the county, city or district you live in, it varys depending on the inspector. the 2002 code does'nt state what the gec burial depth should be. though in my area maryland, its required to be ground level or just below.
Re: Burial Depth of Grounding Electrodes

What about 250 53 f and h
Re: Burial Depth of Grounding Electrodes

Allen, 250.53(F)&(H) are talking about GE's not GEC's.

250.64 covers GEC's

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