Bus Bar Supplier?

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big john

Senior Member
Portland, ME
I need a whole bunch of bus bars for extending transformer bushing pads.

They need to be tinned or silvered copper with standard NEMA bolt spacing for 6 two-hole lugs, sized for 3000A.

Anyone know of a supplier of something like that? I've poked around Anderson, Burndy, and TnB to no success.

Closest I can find would be to use "grounding bus bar" but it often doesn't have the ampacity, and I'd like to have something listed for the purpose.
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We can make them if we gotta, but it would probably cost us a couple hundred per bar by the time machining and plating was done, so I'd rather buy a ready-made solution.
3000A is a pretty serious bus bar. more likely it is multiple bus bars in parallel. have you considered using flexible bus bar? It is not cheap but it is probably as simple as it will get.
These are the points where the service conductors terminate on the transformer, so they need to be rigid, solid bus.

mayday grounding.

whatever you need. they ship..


ask for aram. in addition to knowing his stuff,
he races a wicked 1,000 hp. small block pro street.

(714) 523-0022

they have a larger stock of cadweld on the shelf than erico does.

i've gone in there with measurements, and walked out with bus bar
bent, cut, and punched an hour later. of course, i wouldn't leave,
and cried till they helped me,
but still...

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