Bus bar.


Boise, Idaho
cable dude
Hey Guys and Girls, quick question? Is there any code on Busbar location? All the ones at this current project Im involved with have the Busbars about the 6' level inside the Telecommunication rooms. Most I have seen are usually about the 18 inch level. Just looking for a direction to go with Idaho code. Thanks in advance!
Not required by the NEC and not covered in the NEC. It is a design issue, not a code or safety issue.
Put it wherever you want unless there is a location in the spec. Typically there mounted high off the floor but the is no set code rule. I prefer them up high and out of the way.
Just don't mount them 18" AFF in a hallway; your shins will thank you. One place I worked had one that was quite painful until someone wrappped it it pool noodles and duct tape...