Bus riser capacitors

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Can anyone help explain bus riser capacitors to me? In a commercial building, the 480 volt riser has capacitors installed at different locations. I need some understanding on what they do, what merit placement has, troubleshooting, the works. If this forum isn't the appropriate place for this, any ideas would be appreciated.
Re: Bus riser capacitors

Are these straight capacitors? If so, what value are they (in microFarad)? Are they wired star (wye) or delta? Are there any electronics controlling them?

These will give a clue as to what they are - there are different reasons for strapping caps across risers.


p.s. how tall in this riser?
Re: Bus riser capacitors

These capacitors are 25, 50 kvar. The riser runs up through the electric closet as the 480v. feed in a 20 story bldg. Buss switches were installed to feed them. Also, the engineer asked if these are " static capacitors"? I don't know the answer.
Re: Bus riser capacitors

These are most likely power factor correction capacitors.
Power factor correction reduces the current drawn by induction motors by supplying some (or possibly all) of their out-of-phase current requirements.

Because they are connected to the feeder, this would be called "bulk" correction as opposed to "static" correction, where there would be smaller capacitors for each motor, controlled by that motor's starter.

More info here -


[ November 08, 2004, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: Ed MacLaren ]
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