Busduct underneath the sprinkler system in the open 200ft corridor

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New York
Does Anyone have an experience of the busduct installation right underneath the sprinkler system? I am not sure whether or not this is code compliance? Per NEC 368.12 - Uses not permitted (A) Physical Damage, Busways shall not be installed where subject to severe physical damage or corrosive vapors.

If this is a regular busduct not a weather-proof type, Will this installation be a problem during the inspections? Thank you
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Does Anyone have an experience of the busduct installation right underneath the sprinkler system? I am not sure whether or not this is code compliance? Per NEC 368.12 - Uses not permitted (A) Physical Damage, Busways shall not be installed where subject to severe physical damage or corrosive vapors.

If this is a regular busduct not a weather-proof type, Will this installation be a problem during the inspections? Thank you

What difference does it make to the bus duct? if the sprinkler opens up you have worse problems than wet bus. I don't see how this is an area that is damp, wet or subject to severe physical damage.

What you might run into is that you are generally not allowed to install equipment that might interfere with the intended operation of the sprinklers and putting bus duct directly under them might well interfere with their operation when needed. But this is not something to be found in the NEC.
What difference does it make to the bus duct? if the sprinkler opens up you have worse problems than wet bus. I don't see how this is an area that is damp, wet or subject to severe physical damage.

What you might run into is that you are generally not allowed to install equipment that might interfere with the intended operation of the sprinklers and putting bus duct directly under them might well interfere with their operation when needed. But this is not something to be found in the NEC.

Thank you for your response Bob. My concern is according to the busduct vendor, if the water goes inside the busduct while it is being energized, it will permanently damage the busduct and cannot be reused. That section must be replaced. And also this is the open space public corridor which if somebody hit a sprinkler head by accident (or by his intent), it could kill the power to the half of the building. I couldn't find any section in NEC other than 368.12 stating busways cant be installed where subject to severe physical damage locations which I don't know if permanent water damage to busduct will be considered as subject to severe physical damage location? Or any AHJ inspector will have an issue with the busduct location below the sprinkler during the sign off inspections?
The busway needs to be accessible for maintenance, and the sprinkler head can't be blocked for proper flow patterns, other than that, it is fine.

The sprinkler head blockage is covered in this article and more specifically in NFPA 13


Thank You Ron. Reading from NFPA 13 you referred to, let's just say even though it is okay per NEC to have busduct below the sprinkler but if the busduct is blocking the proper flow patters from the sprinkler system, this could be an issue with NFPA 13 instead then?
Thank you for your response Bob. My concern is according to the busduct vendor, if the water goes inside the busduct while it is being energized, it will permanently damage the busduct and cannot be reused. That section must be replaced. And also this is the open space public corridor which if somebody hit a sprinkler head by accident (or by his intent), it could kill the power to the half of the building. I couldn't find any section in NEC other than 368.12 stating busways cant be installed where subject to severe physical damage locations which I don't know if permanent water damage to busduct will be considered as subject to severe physical damage location? Or any AHJ inspector will have an issue with the busduct location below the sprinkler during the sign off inspections?

Generally the code does not consider what might happen to be a good reason to have a code change. Those are generally allowed to be design decisions. A lot of things are likely to be damaged permanently if the sprinkler discharges. It is not possible to prevent every bad thing that might happen, and it is certainly not something you can codify.
Thank You Ron. Reading from NFPA 13 you referred to, let's just say even though it is okay per NEC to have busduct below the sprinkler but if the busduct is blocking the proper flow patters from the sprinkler system, this could be an issue with NFPA 13 instead then?

Correct. The Fire Marshall or inspector should call it out.
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