Business idea for some of you..

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I recently had the experience of assisting on the install of a GE Simon 3 security panel. I was seriously amazed at how easy it is to install these and the associated sensors. If you are a residential guy and you aren't upselling these things you should consider it. Sensors have batteries. Screw or stick to trims. Panel needs power and phone. Some simple programming and a call to ADT. Easy money. If I ever start a business I'm going to sell these things for sure.
HaskinsElectric said:
You'll need an Alarm Company Operator (ACO) license in California to install that.

Here you need a low voltage contractor's license or an electrical contractors license.
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wireman71 said:
If I ever start a business I'm going to sell these things for sure.

Just be aware that if you do, you will need extra insurance coverage, and you need to talk to a lawyer as well about the liability issues if a customer gets robbed and the alarm that you put in doesnt work.

Also, I'll add that around here the burglar alarm business is a good business to be in as an EC if you don't want to make any money. There are dozens of companies out there who will put in the systems for cheap money and they can undercut an EC any day of the week. It's a brutal market here.
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Was just throwing out some ideas. If I ever get a business going(not likely) everything goes by a lawyer, CPA and the state before I jump on it. But I did see the bill that we charged this guy.. Seemed rather lucrative for the work involved and it's something to consider. I'm sure your mileage will vary state to state, local to local but everything is like that.
wireman71 said:
Was just throwing out some ideas. If I ever get a business going(not likely) everything goes by a lawyer, CPA and the state before I jump on it. But I did see the bill that we charged this guy.. Seemed rather lucrative for the work involved and it's something to consider. I'm sure your mileage will vary state to state, local to local but everything is like that.
Every one can get a gravy job once in a while.

Here, much like Peter's area, alarm work is cut throat. I see $99 ads all the time for wireless system installations. A complete wired system in a new home under construction has been going for about 50 cents a square foot.
Dang it easy jobs only once in awhile..I have been searching for a full time one...:grin: :D the security work is cover under our contractors license in MN and it is good work so is inside phone and internet but all three are performered by people who make less money so you will have to bid it accordingly but while you are pulling in cable what diff is it..take the are already there..
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See around here Ive heard of people charging as much as 200 per hour to run and pair test cat five to patch panels and such. If its true there are some real suckers ohh i mean great customers out there. I guess because it is associated with computers people are more willing to accept the high cost. Low voltage wire can be great money untill the Geek Squad get their grubby little paws into it. The other day I saw two Geeker VANS. I almost felt like running my keys on it but thought better of it. Next time ill just give them the finger and call them SCABS
mdshunk said:
Every one can get a gravy job once in a while.

Here, much like Peter's area, alarm work is cut throat. I see $99 ads all the time for wireless system installations. A complete wired system in a new home under construction has been going for about 50 cents a square foot.

One of the jobs we were working, a guy comes in and said he was there to install the customers alarm, everything he had, was wireless junk, came in a car, and a milk box full of tools and material, he was in and out in an hour, he told us he had 4 more jobs to do for the day, we asked if it paid well, he said they pay him $100 cash, for every job, and he does 5 or 6 a day on average.
in my area, an alarm pre-wire on a new construction <2k sq. ft. runs you around $350. sensor and panel installation is another $350 or so. takes two guys about 1.5 hrs to do the prewire, and another 2 hrs for the sensor and panel install. so 7 labor hours and maybe $250 in material. that leaves around $65/hr for labor. thats actually very much ABOVE the average hourly rate here, but you would have to be getting 35-40hrs a week of work out of your guys to make any money at that.
KelleyF said:
CORI check required here in MASS.

I was involved with a Walgreens job last year in MA and I pulled all of the low voltage cable for the security system and cameras. That was all we were allowed to do (pull to the locations.) The foremen on the job had to get the CORI in order to do the terminations.
brantmacga said:
in my area, an alarm pre-wire on a new construction <2k sq. ft. runs you around $350. sensor and panel installation is another $350 or so. takes two guys about 1.5 hrs to do the prewire, and another 2 hrs for the sensor and panel install. so 7 labor hours and maybe $250 in material. that leaves around $65/hr for labor. thats actually very much ABOVE the average hourly rate here, but you would have to be getting 35-40hrs a week of work out of your guys to make any money at that.

I could care less what the job cost was, the real money is in the monitoring and maint contracts, not the installation, They usually find someone that does not understand where the money is, and get them to do the wiring. When are the electricians going to learn they can get the whole pie, including the filling, and bypass the alarm guys, that take the gravy, after giving up the dirt.
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