Business license

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I’m in the process of negotiating adding my master license to a corporation in Massachusetts, obviously legally with proper paperwork. My question I’m finding it hard to answer is can I still do side work under my license properly? Currently I have a small liability insurance policy that I just do work to to supplement income. Will I still be able to do this? Thanks in advance!!
Can you? Sure...
as long as you are willing to take the risk.

That is a matter between your states licensing laws and the corporations contract with you.
if your license is in the corporations name, how are you going to pull a permit in your name unless your state allows the qualifier To qualify for two licenses.
if Mass doesn’t allow that, then all permits will be in the corps name.
Just some information for others who may live in other state's.

In MA. you get your journeymen's license first you can pull permits with it and run a one man shop. You can have 1 unlicensed apprentice. 2 journeymen cannot work together.

Then if you want a masters you take the test. You must keep your journeymen's if you work with the tools. So the Masters is really a business license and you can hire as many journeymen as you want.

I am in MA. In order for you to be covered doing "side jobs" I think you would have to have 2 insurance policies (1) in the company name with your Masters License and (1) with your name and your Journeymen's #

Although some cities and towns are not as strict the name on the permit (Company or personal) and the name on the insurance certificate should match.

Why not just run all the work through your new business with your masters license?

If you want to be covered by insurance that's the only way unless you have the homeowner sign off the insurance waiver on the permit form, but you still don't have much protection
It sounds like Eddie702 is dialed in on this. I know that you could not do what you propose in NJ.

I reread your question.
So if you put your masters into a corporation and want to do side work using your journeymen's license yes you can. I see no issue with that. Weather you get insurance to run with your journeymen's is up to you.
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