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Senior Member
Anyone ever work for an electrical contractor, or know someone who worked for one, that was bought by a public company? How did it change? Thanks.
I haven't been through it, but I know a couple of people who have. Expect layoffs. Expect it won't make any sense as to who gets laid off. If you survive the cuts, expect to get worked to death, have no idea what you're really expected to do, and give up any thoughts of raises for the next year or three...or ever.

Unless the buyer just has cash to burn, there's going to be a bank involved, which means loans, and loan repayments. That's extra stress on a business it didn't have before, and that money has to come from somewhere. Buyers often think they have a magic formula for jacking up sales and profits. They rarely do; if there was a magic formula, the sellers would be using it already.
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