C1D2 Ventilation Question

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I have an area classified C1D2 by 500.5(B)(2)(2). However, I don't see in the code anywhere that requires the facility to monitor that the ventilation system is functioning properly? Am I missing it somewhere?
I have an area classified C1D2 by 500.5(B)(2)(2). However, I don't see in the code anywhere that requires the facility to monitor that the ventilation system is functioning properly? Am I missing it somewhere?
Section 500.5 is more descriptive than definitive. Since the Code is primarily an installation rather than a design document, you won?t find a detailed answer to your question there. The Section 500.5(B) Fine Print Notes (FPN, especially FPN No. 2, hint at where you should probably look. NFPA 30 has several ?ventilation? sections that may apply but the forum can?t be more specific without more details about the installation.
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