Essentially, cable carriers are articulated cable trays. After some serious thinking, were it not for the fact that the requirements are exactly the same for both Divisions 1 and 2 [502.10(A)(2)], in Division 2, I personally wouldn?t get too excited except for grounding/bonding. Still, I might try to ?pre-sell? it to the AHJ if I planned to install it in conjunction with Section 502.140 and took great care to bond each articulated section [502.3].
I might also consider having a completed "assembly" NRTL certified - but only as a last resort. This might be a good Proposal subject for the 2014 NEC; possibly even Class I. In Class II I'd be concerned about potential abrasiveness at the joints, but much more so in Division 1 than 2. It's possibly worth it to some cable carrier manufacturers to think about it.