thanks. yes i knew about the securing but wasnt sure about the code allowing cable[mc/bx or greenfield] in lieu of EMT.
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I know from all your posts you are asking this question as an estimator. Here is how you deal with it. First, I have only seen twice where we weren't just allowed to fish flex, once was a VA hospital because MC wasn't allowed period and you can't use more than 6 feet of flex in a patient area. The other was a University where they just wouldn't allow MC and the wall was only 7/8" furred.
However as an estimator, I put in the cost of the more expensive assembly, I find that to be the fished one, and I always have this statement in my exclusions, "Cutting patching and painting including, but is not limited to, roof penetrations, painting of conduits, etc.".
If they want the wall opened up then the GC can do it. I Just don't even mention "fishing" with EMT and couplings. I know it can be done, but I just don't.
BTW, the place this exclusion is much more often needed is little strip mall build outs where the demising walls are generally 2 hour rated and tenants almost always need receptacles in them. The boxes have to be secured to the studs per UL, even few inspectors know this though so it is usually overlooked. But no never know.