Cable Tray (enclosed or open top) VFD 350 KCMIL cables

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On a cable tray run with VFD cables (TC-ER UL listed) from VFD to motor JB, what NEC article (or other code, NFPA, etc) defines the use of cable tray enclosed or open top?

Routing basically is:

From the VFD enclosure (on mezzanine), cables exit on the bottom onto the cable tray, then
cable tray goes a few feet before reaching wall, then
cable tray goes thru the wall (via openning - should the cable tray be enclosed here? )), then
cable tray goes into the test cell, and supported from wall and floor, then
cable tray continues straight, and supported from wall and floor, then
cable tray makes 90 deg bend and continues straight fro a few feet, then
cable tray ends on the test stand structure (~6 ft from motor JB), then
cables are then brought into motor JB via glands (cable fittings) and supported accordingly.

NEC article 392 is for cable tray, cable tray can go through opening in wall uncovered

unless additional protection is needed for some reason. Covered cable tray is used when

protection is required.
VFD Cables

VFD Cables

I hope to ass-ume that the cables you are asking about are for a variable frequency drive. You need to look closely at the drive manufacturers literature to see if the cables can be routed as you described. Sheilding would also be a concern.

Goo Luck
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