cable tray is going to cost less, but you will need type TC cable.
building classification is irrelevant if the classified area is physically separated and there is no leakage source (flanges, dampers, exhaust ports, fans) for combustible gases. physically separated means there is a barrier (presumably the roof) between the classified and non-classified space and gas cannot commute from one side to the other under normal conditions.
i would say, if you were to go tray, use ladder type tray with a cover, to shield the conductors from direct sunlight. although they are resistant to the effects of UV, my preference is for them not be fully exposed because eventually the insulation will dehydrate and begin cracking. less concerned with rain/moisture, unless the insulation begins to fail. you could have a phase to ground fault on the roof of a building housing a classified process :slaphead:
i personally would go with conduit, stand it off the roof 18 inches, and pull XHHW just so i wouldn't have to worry about it before i retired :lol:
edit: any rodents you have that can get on the roof will also be able to get into the cable tray (safe space shaded in summer and warmer during the winter). they might take a liking to chewing on the insulation.