Caddy Speed Link LD

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Bob Kraemer

Senior Member
Has anyone used the Caddy Speed Link LD for hangind strip fixtures?
If so how much time did it take to mount the clip, install the cable and install the fixture on the cable?
I tried calling Caddy today to get a time estimate but couldn't get through.
I used an identical system from another manufacturer to hang some track lighting in a retail store, and I can't say that it was any quicker than all-tread for me. Admittedly, I didn't use enough of it to realize the efficiencies that it can potentially provide. By the time I got comfortable with it, I was done.
Thanks Marc,
The store I am getting ready to wire is switching from 100% suspened ceiling to about 20% suspened ceiling and the rest will be an open ceiling. In the past I used the HRC1 clips from Lithonia which were a piece of cake & cost .97 each.
I told the GC besides the cost increace for material .97 - 4.78 each, the labor would increase also because of the extra labor to install the cable system. He thinks I'm nuts. While that may be true, but not in this case.
Bob Kraemer said:
He thinks I'm nuts. While that may be true, but not in this case.
Oh, it's true, all right. (After all, look at your avatar and signature.:grin:) You just also happen to be right.
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