I need some help with calculating what amps it is on each phase to dimension the wire area.
It is a frequency converter with following specs on marking plate max input of 20 amps, 3-phase 400V or can be configured 480Y/277 V. The load is a motor of 5.5kW with the following specification as seen in the picture below.
Its a three wire system without neutral wire. Three wire input to frequency converter and three wire out to motor.
What will the ampere be on the input wires to the frequency converter on each wire and total?
What will the ampere be on the output wires from frequency converter on each wire and total?
I'm thinking about the I = Iphase * sqr(3) formula used in school for many years ago but havent all in my memory to figure it out if i'm thinking right.
I need some help with calculating what amps it is on each phase to dimension the wire area.
It is a frequency converter with following specs on marking plate max input of 20 amps, 3-phase 400V or can be configured 480Y/277 V. The load is a motor of 5.5kW with the following specification as seen in the picture below.
Its a three wire system without neutral wire. Three wire input to frequency converter and three wire out to motor.
What will the ampere be on the input wires to the frequency converter on each wire and total?
What will the ampere be on the output wires from frequency converter on each wire and total?
I'm thinking about the I = Iphase * sqr(3) formula used in school for many years ago but havent all in my memory to figure it out if i'm thinking right.