If you are calculating electrical requirements for a dock and and each slip has two 30 amp receptacles ? Do you count one 30 amp or two 30 amp for each individual slip
If these are both shore power receptacles, then 555.33(A)(3) requires each to be on their own 30 amp circuit. You can use Table 220.120 to calculate the feeder and service demand load.
How do you interpret 555.12. If you have two receptacles for an individual slip a 30 and a 50 you only have to count the largest one. So what if you have two 30 amp what do you use for calculations? 1-30 or 2-30 ?
If the receptacles are the same voltage you have to count both. If they have different voltages you would need to know the KW demand of each to determine which would be used for the calculation.