Is there a way to calculate motor temperature rise based on a per unit of the full load current?
For example, here is this website that can tell you the expected life of the motor based on the per unit value of the full load current:
I would like to calculate the motor temperature rise for operating a motor for 30 seconds at 200% FLT. Then by comparing it to the allowable temperature for the insulation class I can see if that duration will have a negative effect on the motor.
Is there a way to calculate motor temperature rise based on a per unit of the full load current?
For example, here is this website that can tell you the expected life of the motor based on the per unit value of the full load current:
I would like to calculate the motor temperature rise for operating a motor for 30 seconds at 200% FLT. Then by comparing it to the allowable temperature for the insulation class I can see if that duration will have a negative effect on the motor.