I'm trying to calculate the X0/R0 ratio of a Zig Zag transformer. I got the following information:
-Winding connection: Zig Zag
-Short time neutral current: 3500 A 5 sec.
-Continuous neutral current : 250 A
-Voltage : 26.4 kV
-Zero sequence impedance: 7.5 ohms/ph
-No load losses: 1951 W
-Load losses : 18214 W
I looked at the standard IEEE C57.12.91, but could not find a specific example for a Zig-Zag transformer. How do we calculate the X0/R0 ratio using these informations?
-Winding connection: Zig Zag
-Short time neutral current: 3500 A 5 sec.
-Continuous neutral current : 250 A
-Voltage : 26.4 kV
-Zero sequence impedance: 7.5 ohms/ph
-No load losses: 1951 W
-Load losses : 18214 W
I looked at the standard IEEE C57.12.91, but could not find a specific example for a Zig-Zag transformer. How do we calculate the X0/R0 ratio using these informations?