California code adoption process

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Senior Member
Electrician ,contractor
How many folks here know about how Ca adopts code?

Do you know we are in the cycle to adopt the 2017 NEC by end of 2019 , with an effective date of Jan 1 2020?

Submittals now and Comment time is this summer. Now is the time to place comments for the amendments. The do listen and consider properly formatted requests for changes.

Did you know that this is a state wide adoption and local jurisdictions must file amendments or they are not enforceable. Further that local amendments can only be more restrictive and allowable only under the following conditions:
Must be for a climatic reason
Must be for a Topographical reason
Must be for a Seismic reason
These are the only conditions for a change to the state building codes (standards) no exceptions.

Adoption calendar here -
How many folks here know about how Ca adopts code?

Do you know we are in the cycle to adopt the 2017 NEC by end of 2019 , with an effective date of Jan 1 2020?

Submittals now and Comment time is this summer. Now is the time to place comments for the amendments. The do listen and consider properly formatted requests for changes.

Did you know that this is a state wide adoption and local jurisdictions must file amendments or they are not enforceable. Further that local amendments can only be more restrictive and allowable only under the following conditions:
Must be for a climatic reason
Must be for a Topographical reason
Must be for a Seismic reason
These are the only conditions for a change to the state building codes (standards) no exceptions.

Adoption calendar here -
Did you think I wouldn't? However, if you want to do a "public" Submittal or Comment, you best secure support from one of these first. I can't say it's never happened, but I've never seen acceptance from the public (non-governmental entity) since 1979 without it.

Also, you wouldn't believe how many California local jurisdictions are still unaware of this until someone sues them or gets the California Building Standards Commission "intimately" involved. Oddly enough, the California Energy Commission, acting as an BO/AHJ, used to be a big offender, enforcing well beyond documented "Code" at whim. They felt they were a co-equal building standards commission.
Did you think I wouldn't?

It was not really geared towards you as I knew you are aware.
However, if you want to do a "public" Submittal or Comment, you best secure support from one of these first. I can't say it's never happened, but I've never seen acceptance from the public (non-governmental entity) since 1979 without it.

Also, you wouldn't believe how many California local jurisdictions are still unaware of this until someone sues them or gets the California Building Standards Commission "intimately" involved. Oddly enough, the California Energy Commission, acting as an BO/AHJ, used to be a big offender, enforcing well beyond documented "Code" at whim. They felt they were a co-equal building standards commission.

Thanks for taking the wind out of my sail. I really do think that if there is proper support as to a change it will happen. One person is not going to do it alone. However there are many complainers with reasonable solutions here.

Interesting - I participated once with a group and we actually got a change. it was about 6+ years ago.

As far as the Energy commish- is that why they are treated with such disdain?
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Interesting - I participated once with a group and we actually got a change. it was about 6+ years ago.
Good for you. As I said, I'd never seen it, but it doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

To be honest, I haven't really followed the process much since I was dealing with the Energy Commission. Their BO on the project I was working on was utterly stunned that he couldn't make up rules as he saw fit. He had shut the project down six times before I got there. Once the City's outside General Counsel and I got involved - he never did it again.
I still think industry experts should get involved.

Also if there are still jurisdictions ignoring codes because they either don't agree or overlook is doing a great disservice to all. We in this industry need to be on the same page.
I guess that I am not surprised.
We all like to complain but never want to get involved to make a change.
I'm fairly involved in the codes and standards making process and guess how much I get paid to do it? Ziltch, and guess who pays for me to go to out of town C&S meetings, I do. Unless you work for a company that is willing to allow you to do C&S work on the company dime you are going to be out serious cash and time to do it. Most of the people I work with in these groups are doing it with their company's backing and get paid for it, but that's not a lot of people. So go a little easy on the lack of participation. Most people just can't afford the time and expense to do it for free.
I'm fairly involved in the codes and standards making process and guess how much I get paid to do it? Ziltch, and guess who pays for me to go to out of town C&S meetings, I do. Unless you work for a company that is willing to allow you to do C&S work on the company dime you are going to be out serious cash and time to do it. Most of the people I work with in these groups are doing it with their company's backing and get paid for it, but that's not a lot of people. So go a little easy on the lack of participation. Most people just can't afford the time and expense to do it for free.

I understand that what you are saying. However exactly to my points. Taking Robert Alexanders point one needs to get support of one of the committee members. Well if you are one then!!!!

I think that folks should not be afraid of making comment.

What better than , we should continue to have bogus codes because of lobbyist of the manufactures.

Look what happens. you have AHJ flout the codes , then you have customers , contractors , engineers thinking that lack of enforcement is actually code.
All that is fine when you are either the Customer, the EE, the AHJ but not the contractor as being the contractor you have no excuse for not following the code.

Take the AFCI , Still today we don't have a listed paired AFCI and breaker so that NM can be used from soup to nuts and no AFCI Breaker. The Manufactures of outlet AFCI device claim that they can detect upstream as well as downstream. Those devices are less susceptible to false tripping.

There are others but that one is the biggest gripe I hear at the supply house counter.
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