cam lock connectors

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Senior Member
I posted this on the safety topic but didn't get any resonses. Has anyone had any experience with cam lock connectors. They are used in carivals, temp services, and stage lighting. I have a couple of 80 amp 3 phase dimmer packs that are terminated with 5, #2 copper so conductors. The hubbell cord and plug end cost about $700. I have never used the cam lock. ECT makes them and crouse hinds carry them. thanks for any help.
Re: cam lock connectors

I haven?t seen a cam lock since my Navy days. That was during the Napoleonic War Era. :eek: Sorry; can?t help you.
Re: cam lock connectors

Sure, how else are you going to connect a portable 400A rack (stage lighting controller)? Where a school or church does not have the money to buy permanent stage lighting, have set up a disconnect and used them. You should check with the stage lighting companies in your area.
Re: cam lock connectors

this is a permanent installation. It is very difficult to get to the main lugs in the unit itself, and they leave you with a 18" pigtail. Its the safety issue I have, with kids working around it. Nvcape, do you feel that the potential for shock is small with this type of installation? thanks.
Re: cam lock connectors

I can't picture the one that you're talking about. Do you have a link??
The stage lighting that I've ever done had all of the controllers and dimmers enclosed in a caged in area that was locked and had very limited access.
Re: cam lock connectors

With kids, nothing should be left to chance. They can and will get into anything. For a permanent installation, especially with connectors, it should be locked up. If nothing else, can it be inside a heavy duty wire warehouse cage with lid? Also suggest a locking safety disconnect.
Re: cam lock connectors

I have a locking disconnect on the one that is already installed, and hardwired it to a can, but i don't really like the setup, I was hoping to find a better way to do this. The unit is a leprecon 80 amp three phase 120 volt. If I can't find another way, I guess I will go with the hubbell hbl 5100 p9w and the hbl 5100 r 9w. If there is a cheaper plug/rec I can get that will carry 80 amp five wire, I would appreciate it. thanks. leprecon its the mx 2400.

[ August 31, 2004, 06:49 AM: Message edited by: caosesvida ]
Re: cam lock connectors

I have used the camlock conncetors in entertainment, however, you have to make sure that they will be connected properly (ie green to green, etc). And what happens when a kid disconnects one under full load? I think it's risking a lot to have kids exposed to these connectors. If you HAVE to go with them, at least set it up so that Neutral and Ground are reverse gender (ie if you have X, Y, Z being male on your pigtails, G, and N will be Female) This prevents the obvious G-->Hot connections that could ruin somebodies day.

I know this is a rack mounted unit...if it's in a permanent rack, why not run Sealtite to it?

Re: cam lock connectors

I am making the grounding and identified conductor up with the next larger size cam lock, so they can't be interchanged. The sealtight would be good except they make it nearly impossible to direct wire to the unit. they only have 18" pigtails, #2, coming out of the back. I am now planning to put the pigtails through a hole in a PVC JB, and then make the cam locks in there so they can't be accessed by unqualified persons. But I can remove the unit for repair if needed. thanks for the replys.
Re: cam lock connectors

Who designed this system for your project?
Are you using the availible power distribution module for this unit?
Re: cam lock connectors

caosesvida You might want to look at 520.53(J), (K), (L) and (P)

In those sections you will see things about guarding, signage, access only to qualified personal etc. for these cam locs.
Re: cam lock connectors

sorry been off for a while, No one designed the system, I am building the lighting system in the cieling. I am using a 200 amp service for this that I changed out from an old panel.

I will check the code on this. thanks for the replies.
Re: cam lock connectors

Originally posted by caosesvida:
sorry been off for a while, No one designed the system, I am building the lighting system in the cieling. I am using a 200 amp service for this that I changed out from an old panel.

I will check the code on this. thanks for the replies.
I have used Camlock connectors quite a bit but I would be nervous about using them around amateurs like you are proposing. There is considerable potential for grief in doing what you propose. I might be inclined to spend the money and buy the plug, even at $700.
Re: cam lock connectors

I know the portable dimming packs you are talking about. In order to save on installation, I hardwired in the dimmer units. Its fairly easy to change over, and the cam-locks connectors on the unit can be diabled. No special modification are required except for the hole for the conduit or flex, and I could easily return it to original state.
Re: cam lock connectors

I am putting the cam locks in a plastic junction box so they cannot be tampered with. I will run the JB to a fused disconnect with a lock on it so it can't be energized without supervision.

The kids have no reason to play with them as it is a permanent connection. The units came with the pig tails otherwise I would have ordered them as hardwired.

thanks for all the reply's
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