Camlocks for Generators

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Senior Member
Delmarva, USA
I have received an invitation to quote the installation of camlocks for standby generators to enable connection and operation of load bank testing.

Most of these are 150 kVA units, with one larger, and 2 smaller.

I believe they will have one load bank testing device which they will transport from site to site. The installation of the camlocks would make the periodic testing an easy procedure.

Have you ever done this type of work, and did you install them at the generator unit, or at the transfer switch? Did you provide a panel or enclosure, or leave them hanging on pigtails?

I believe they want to be able to perform these load bank tests without affecting the utility connection at each site.
I have designed many load banks that connect via Camlok style connectors. Most of them are for test stands as opposed to backup generators.

Personally, I would install the plugs inside a box that can be locked closed under normal circumstances so no one can connect to them or contact them unintentionally.

I would be installing them where it is most convenient for the testing to be done. That might vary from unit to unit.
I've used camlocks for portable generator hookups too. A load bank docking station is just like a generator docking station. You could install a manual transfer switch with one input (the genset) andd two outputs (house/load bank). Connect the docking station to the load bank output.

These guys make a nice product that they will customize to your installation.
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