campground site grounding rod


Ride Control Technician
At a campsite where trailers come and do hook ups. I find the service electrical is using a ground wire out to the electrical box and tie's it to the plumbing system, and using it as a grounding point. This happens at every site. Is this safe? Seems more like grounding rods all around rather than a bonding jumper to all sites. ( Sorry unsure how to add the picture I took.
Since you indicate you are not an electrician it will be unlikely that this forum can give you a clear explanation, but we can try as long as the discussion doesn't move into a how to do it yourself thread.
Ya I moved from being a journeyman electrician into Automated Control systems since they seemed to be more fun than basic electrical in a home, LOL. I did my years as an Electrician, nearly 25 of them. Working on my Electrical Engineering degree in controls now. Have learned alot from Mike holt since i got my first set of training videos from him back in 2005. Grounding and bonding at 40 sites in an RV park was just a little out of my knowledge base. But the series he does on grounding and bonding made me think this is like adding 40 different ground rods driven around a home.
The water pipe in question sticks out of the ground about 1.5 feet, is metal piping thru the park. A bare grounding conductor attaches from the electrical site connector to this pipe. Looks like a standard ground wire water clamp connector. I didnt get any specifics in the NEC code that seemed to fit this situation. Hopefully some one can point me there.